Jun 11, 2016

YDA 青少營 / Youth Camp 2016


The registration of Youth Camp 2016 is now open. This year we will different water activities. Our medical team will monitor the process to ensure the safety of our members. Details are as follows:

日 期 :2016年9月16日至17日 (2日1夜)
地 點:聯青社-青年會黃宜洲青年營
對 象:11至17歲青少年會員 (未曾參加過本會舉辦的青少年營者優先)
費 用:港幣$100 (包括營費及膳食, 如現正接受綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃或本會醫療用品資助計劃的會員費用全免)
語 言:英語及廣東話

Date: 16-17 September 2016 (2 days, 1 night)
Location: Y's Men's - YMCA Wong Yi Chau Youth Camp
Target: Age 11 to 17 Young Members (Members who hasn’t join the Youth Camp before will have priority)
Fee: HK$100 (camp fee and meals included, YDA members under CSSA or YDA Financial Assistance Programme will be free of charge.)
Medium of instruction: English and Cantonese

1. 通過不同的團體遊戲,訓練會員的解難能力、啟發合作精神及鼓勵溝通
2. 學習照顧自己及獨立地管理糖尿病
3. 讓青少年會員可以在成長路上建立他們的朋輩網絡

Activity objectives:
1. Through the team building activities, they can learn problem solving skills, communication skills and cooperative skills etc.
2. They can learn to be independent and handle daily diabetic management independently.
3. Members can meet new friends and build up their peer support network.

1. 所有參加青少年營的會員必須出席訓練日營及簡介會。而家長/監護人必須出席簡介會。如未能出席者,本會有權取消其參加資格。訓練日營及簡介會詳情如下:

2016年8月13 日(六) 上午9時正至下午2時30分
地點: 烏溪沙青年新村

2016年8月13 日(六) 下午2時30分至下午5時
地點: 九龍伊利沙伯醫院M座 地下 2號房

2. 報名一經取錄,本會將於6月底以電郵作個別通知,屆時將需要各參加者提交詳細個人資料及相關之病歷記錄作活動之用。


1. All enrolled Young Members are required to join the training day camp and the pre-camp briefing.
Their parents/guardians are required to attend the pre-camp briefing. Members may not allow joining the Youth Camp if he/she doesn’t attend the training day camp and pre-camp briefing.

Training day camp
13 August 2016 (Saturday) 9:00am to 2:30pm
Venue: Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village

Pre-camp briefing
13 August 2016 (Saturday) 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Room 2, G/F, M Block, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

2. Successful applicants are required to provide details of their medical history and other information upon our confirmation by email in late June.


Please return the completed reply slip with crossed cheque (“Youth Diabetes Action”) by post to Room B17, 9/F, Merit Industrial Centre, 94 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon on or before 24 June 2016 (Fri)


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Elvis Yeung at 23329056. 

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